"The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts." Marcus Aurelius (Roman Emperor)
Showing little girls and boys the true power of their own thoughts and beliefs within, USA Today-bestselling and award-winning author Eevi Jones' book When Things Get Though inspires to speak more kindly to ourselves.
Using a more positive language when speaking to ourselves may take some practice, but the more we change our "I can'ts" to "I cans," the more empowered we will be and feel.
Reframing negative self-talk plays a crucial role in helping children build emotional resilience, develop a strong sense of self-worth, and adopt a growth mindset.
By changing the way they speak to themselves, children are better equipped to face challenges with confidence, kindness toward themselves, and compassion for others.
So even When Things Get Tough, they know that even the hardest of moments can be overcome.
* Sometimes It Rains - Recognizing and Honoring All My Feelings and Emotions
* Ego, Sheep, and Knittery - Being Humble and Other Great Stuff